Sunday, October 25, 2009

orphan with his gun

siggghhhh.  It's been a weirdly hard weekend...strangely emotionally draining.  It feels so bizarre to say this, but I miss San Diego. And I'm becoming disenchanted with New's not what I imagined it would be.  It's like a clean, slick movie version of itself.  I imagined living in Manhattan as some grand adventure with danger and fun around every corner.  But it's really so damn tame.  Not that I haven't found my own trouble, but I thought more trouble would find me...

oh well...


Talisa said...

Lovely pictures:)

??? said...

new york is the best, the worst, and everything in between situated in a bubble of a world. it's the worst boyfriend in the world, but somehow i keep coming back.

try to get out of the city and explore the rest of the area outside of jersey when you get stuck in a rut. fuck it, i want to go to niagara falls. anyone want to go with me?